How Many Legs Do Centipedes Have? Millipedes? Other Insects?

How Many Legs Do Centipedes Have? Millipedes? Other Insects?

While a majority of people believe all centipedes have 100 legs, that cannot be further from the truth. In fact, the number of legs on a given centipede largely depends on its species. It is difficult to define each type of centipede, as there are thought to be approximately 8,000 … Read More

How Dangerous Are House Centipedes? Do They Bite?

How Dangerous Are House Centipedes? Do They Bite?

The Scutigera coleoptrata more commonly referred to as the house centipede is a small, yellow centipede that can be found inside homes. This centipede can be found in houses around the world and can be very common but unpleasant visitor. They tend to live on the ground floor of homes … Read More

How Did House Centipedes Get In My House?

How Did House Centipedes Get In My House?

Out of the corner of your eye you think you see something dart across the room.  You look… Nothing.  Now in a state of high alert you see something once again.  Your suspicion was correct, there is a small creature.  The dreaded house centipede!  After eliminating one of these horrid … Read More
