20 Ways to Keep Squirrels off of Bird Feeders

How To Keep Squirrels Off of Bird Feeders

If you like to keep bird feeders, you may have run into some problems with squirrels. Squirrels are clever little acrobats that will perform all sorts of gymnastic feats to get to a bird feeder, stealing your birdseed and driving you nutty.  We’ve compiled a list of methods effective for … Read More

Do Fake Owls Actually Work to Keep Pests Away?

Do Fake Owls Actually Work to Keep Pests Away?

Displaying fake owls can help keep pests away from your property — with limitations. Animals, including pests, can observe and learn, so they may discern that your owl not the real thing as time passes. How do Fake Owls Help? Owls prey on many different small mammals and other birds … Read More

What Sounds do Rodents make? (Rats, Mice, Squirrels)

What Sounds Do Rodents Make?

Rats, mice, and squirrels vocalize more than you might think — you just can’t hear most of it. You’re more likely to hear them chewing, scratching or scurrying than your are to hear them squeaking.  An Overview of Rodents and their Sounds Unless you’ve seen a rodent or the evidence … Read More

Do Squirrels Bite? What are the Risks of Close Contact?

Do Squirrels Ever Attack People

While these little animals normally shy away from humans, certain circumstances can increase the risk of a bite. Close contact, like attempting to feed them, can cause a bite. And bites are not the only thing you need to worry about when you come into contact with these critters — … Read More

Tips To Keep Squirrels Out Of Your Garden & OFF Your Yard

Tips To Keep Squirrels Out Of Your Garden and OFF Your Yard

In a hurry?: You can keep squirrels away from your garden by taking away their food source, using repellents, or scaring them away. There are other possible control methods discussed through out the article. Signs That Squirrels Are Causing Mischief in Your Garden Before you take action to keep squirrels away … Read More
