Do Fake Owls Actually Work to Keep Pests Away?

Do Fake Owls Actually Work to Keep Pests Away?

Displaying fake owls can help keep pests away from your property — with limitations. Animals, including pests, can observe and learn, so they may discern that your owl not the real thing as time passes. How do Fake Owls Help? Owls prey on many different small mammals and other birds … Read More

What Sounds do Rodents make? (Rats, Mice, Squirrels)

What Sounds Do Rodents Make?

Rats, mice, and squirrels vocalize more than you might think — you just can’t hear most of it. You’re more likely to hear them chewing, scratching or scurrying than your are to hear them squeaking.  An Overview of Rodents and their Sounds Unless you’ve seen a rodent or the evidence … Read More

How To Get Rid of Rats – Complete Guide, Products & Tips

How To Get Rid of Rats

Rats — a common household pest. These scampering critters pose a number of threats to humans and pets alike. You know you have them, but you’re not sure what to do next. Should you use traps? Poison? You’ve got to do something because infestations can quickly get out of control … Read More

What Do Wild Rats Eat and Drink? – Rat Diet Exploration

What Do Wild Rats Eat and Drink? - Rat Diet Exploration

Rats are scavengers and opportunistic feeders, so they will eat just about anything they can find out in the wild. Just like humans, rats are omnivores, so they will eat both plants and animals. A rat’s diet will depend on the resources that are available in their specific habitat. For … Read More

Do Rats Have Bones? How Do They Squeeze Through Tiny Holes?

Do Rats Have Bones? How Do They Squeeze Through Tiny Holes?

A common misconception about rats is that they have no bones in their bodies. It is unclear when or where the belief started, but it seems to be rooted in their ability to squeeze through tiny holes. In truth, rats are vertebrate animals, which means they have a skeletal system … Read More
