Why Do We Find Insects Incredibly Disgusting?

Why Do Humans Find Insects So Incredibly Disgusting?

Whether it’s a small ladybug crawling on your skin or a giant wolf spider that seems to hunt you everywhere inside your house with an army of terrifying offspring, there’s one thing that most people tend to agree on. Insects are disgusting. Yes? You’ve probably wondered why you always prefer … Read More

How To Easily Remove Wasps From Your Car

How To Easily Remove Wasps From Your Car

As you’re minding your own business cruising around, you keep noticing wasps around your car. Maybe its just that weird attraction wasps have to cars (explained later) BUT maybe not. A few days go by and then you see it, some wasps have managed to create a nest in your car. … Read More

Do Pest Control Companies Really Work?

Do Pest Control Companies Really Work?

Considering hiring a pest control company can be stressful.  Maybe it is the sudden appearance of a hoard of ants or even worse a swarm of wasps that  have seemingly come out of nowhere.  These pests need to disappear soon but you aren’t sure what to do.  Pest control companies … Read More

Do Popular Pest Control Methods Actually Work?

Do Popular Pest Control Methods Actually Work?

The question of if pest control actually works is quite broad.  There are many types of pest control ranging from pesticides and traps to biological control.  There are also a wide variety of pests that each require their own set of control methods to be effective. In general using the … Read More

Are Cockroaches Disgusted By Humans?

Are Cockroaches Disgusted By Humans?

One of the most unpleasant creatures to find crawling through your house is undoubtedly the cockroach.  It is also one of the most common.  The mere sight of a cockroach makes most people fill with disgust and a desire to get run away or hide.  For me cockroaches are a … Read More

How Did House Centipedes Get In My House?

How Did House Centipedes Get In My House?

Out of the corner of your eye you think you see something dart across the room.  You look… Nothing.  Now in a state of high alert you see something once again.  Your suspicion was correct, there is a small creature.  The dreaded house centipede!  After eliminating one of these horrid … Read More

Do Termites Die When Exposed To Air? (Sunlight or Water?)

Do Termites Die When Exposed To Air Sunlight or Water?

Can your termite problem be remedied by simply exposing them to sunlight and open air?  If you are like me then you are probably looking for a simple solution to a pesky problem and you’re in luck. Exposing non-winged termites to fresh air or sunlight for only a couple of … Read More
