Information About Stink Bugs Do They Bite? Fly? Poisonous?

Information About Stink Bugs Do They Bite? Fly? Poisonous?

No, stink bugs do not bite and are not poisonous, but they can fly. They are not harmful to humans or pets. Their foul-smelling odor and penchant for plants, however, make them a nuisance to homeowners everywhere.  Do Stink Bugs Bite? Unlike other insects such as mosquitoes and ants, brown … Read More

How Many Legs Do Centipedes Have? Millipedes? Other Insects?

How Many Legs Do Centipedes Have? Millipedes? Other Insects?

While a majority of people believe all centipedes have 100 legs, that cannot be further from the truth. In fact, the number of legs on a given centipede largely depends on its species. It is difficult to define each type of centipede, as there are thought to be approximately 8,000 … Read More

Is It Dangerous To Camp In An Area With Wolves?

Is It Dangerous To Camp In An Area With Wolves?

One of the things campers worry about is encountering a wild animal and fending off for his/her life in the wilderness. While this is a valid concern, campers must not forget that they, too, have a responsibility. After all, they’re the ones entering unfamiliar territory and if the animals feel … Read More

Just How Safe Are Pesticides and Pest Control?

Just How Safe Are Pesticides and Pest Control?

Is pest control safe? The safety of pest control will depend on how the pesticide is handled. Whether you’re applying the pesticide on your own or calling professional pest control services, there are things you need to know and steps to follow which are detailed below. Are Pesticides Safe? Dangerous … Read More

Are Cockroaches Dangerous? Info About Potential Harm

Are Cockroaches Dangerous? Info About Potential Harm

Yes. Cockroaches can be dangerous. They can spread harmful bacteria that can cause a variety of diseases. They can also cause problems for people with allergies and asthma. Why Are Cockroaches Dangerous? Cockroaches are capable of biting humans and animals, but they rarely do. They often bite humans on the … Read More

Do Exterminators Spray For Mosquitoes | Fleas | Lice?

Do Pest Control Companies Spray for Mosquitoes?

Yes, you can call a pest control company or pest exterminator service in your area, and chances are, they may be able to help you with your mosquito, flea, or lice infestation problems. A pest control company may treat your home or workplace with a variety of insecticides and insect … Read More

Will Cockroaches Ever Become Extinct?

Many wonder hopefully the question, will cockroaches ever become extinct? Maybe this was prompted by the site of one too many of these creatures or the discovery of one after you just worked to remove them. No, cockroaches will never become extinct. They were able to survive the mass extinction … Read More

Why Are Spiders In Australia So Big?

Why Are Spiders In Australia So Big?

If you have ever been to Australia and happened to see a spider you may have been surprised by their impressive difference in size from you are used to seeing. This is especially true for many first time travelers from the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom. But what … Read More

Why Are Spiders In My Room? House? Car? Bathtub?

Spider On The Ceiling

There are many reasons why we find a spider or two in the house or car, the top reasons can be because there’s too much clutter, there’s easy access from the outside, or the place is not clean, among others. Why Do You Find Spiders in Your House, Car, or … Read More

5 Things That Attract Wasps And How To Keep Them Away

5 Things That Attract Wasps And How To Keep Them Away

Dealing with wasps can be a pain. Whether you are parking your car or trying to enjoy lunch outside wasps always have a way of ruining the fun. It can be helpful to recognize what will attract wasps and the steps that can be taken to keep them away. There … Read More
